FAQ: How To Cleanse and Energize Gemstone Bracelets?

There are several ways to cleanse and energize gemstone beads bracelets:

  • Sound: Use a singing bowl, bell, or other instrument to create a vibrational sound that can cleanse and energize the stones.


  • Smudging: This involves burning sage or palo santo and wafting the smoke over the bracelet while visualizing any negative energy being released.


  • Moonlight: Place the bracelet outside under the light of a full moon to allow the natural energy of the moon to cleanse and recharge the stones.


  • Saltwater: Soak the bracelet in a mixture of saltwater and water for a few hours, then rinse it off with fresh water.


Please note that some gemstones are sensitive to water or high heat, so be sure to research the specific care requirements for your gemstones before cleaning them.